Monday, March 15, 2010

today. wow.

intercession @ 7-8.
school - circle time, nearly made me cry. almost had an overwhelming moment, but God is a God who provides, comforts and protects. He also reminds you of your purpose, and how you must trust in Him alone. AMEN.
the kids: angels today. a little frustrating during math, but SO good the rest of the day!
great convo with Bryan at lunch - will be a blog update soon.
jenna and i got planned for the week!
spent majority of afternoon pre- and post-dinner warring with the internet. 90% of the time just waiting for it to load, and reload, and reload, and ... you get it.
served at dinner; new team tonight. found out a girl on the Auburn team went to Manatee and was born and raised in Bradenton!!!
did clean up; then more internet woes.
talked to christina for an amazing amount of time. hilarious and refreshing conversation. i love her and how the Lord is still using her broken spirit to bring me such joy.
talked to james. hopefully got to speak some encouragement into his heart.

had an amazing, open, vulnerable, and deep-friendship cultivating conversation with jaysen and mike. seriously, these guys are great. such spiritual maturity and sound truth spoken. warred in prayer together, it was ROCKIN'.

prayed over zach as he leaves tomorrow. God continue to work in Him; may he be steadfast in seeking You and your will.

i'm exhausted and hate to post with such little detail, but i just want to say, Glory to God, for He works all things together for the good of those who love him. and i'm so in love with Him.

choosing to be passionate instead of passive,

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