initially, i skipped over this verse. its already a challenge for me to absorb the old testament, but pillars of light and cloud? i can't even fathom it enough to begin to clearly see in my head an image of those times in the wilderness. also, this verse seems much more like a visual aid than anything revealing about the Lord. but after a second, third and fourth read-thru, i see how this verse could be totally essential to the story as a whole. perhaps, more pertinent to my personal life, as today i'm really struggling with discouragement and my own inadequacies (Praise Him for His grace and mercy, that i'm not expected to be perfect in order to be pleasing to Him; i'm only expected to be obedient and to bring Him glory with every thought, word, action, and reaction!). let me explain.
set the scene: God has finally allowed the israelites to be released by pharaoh, but in His perfect timing and plan, led them a roundabout way through the wilderness. tired, cranky, and possibly over it already; the israelites were in search of an exit, and the egyptians were about to be hot on their heels in pursuit. but imagine this: not only having a faith to know that God has gone before you and carved the way, but also, having proof in the clouds and with fire, so that they are never alone, never in the dark, and always under the favor and path of the Lord.
i find these small, odd verses so comforting. perhaps the most integral piece of this puzzle is this: the Lord went before them. whenever we are on the path that the Lord has directed, He not only is with us, but He has gone BEFORE us! like setting up for a big surprise party, in which we may not know the details, but God has everything under control: from the caterer to the floral arrangements, from the reception hall to the DJ down to the detailed table settings and monogrammed napkins. God has it all worked out, because before we arrive, He has already been there.
often times, i find myself wondering if the Lord is still able to work in the ways that He did during the times of Moses and such. and I am dually comforted and assured that, indeed, He does: Hebrews tells us that He is the same, yesterday, today, and always. i love serving a God that is consistent! could you imagine if He changed His mind about us as often as we change our mood? what if He was feeling subjective one day, and decided that this persons good works in his own strength was enough to allow them into the Kingdom of Heaven, but one believers failures were enough to keep him out? what if the Lord operated under the same burn of emotion that we often allow to dictate how we respond to others, treat others, or even take advantage of them? i'm disgusted at my own flesh in moments like that and PRAISE HIM for being ever-constant, unchanging, faithful and stern even in light of His mercy and grace.
as long as we are following the way of the Lord, He gives us pillars of light to follow when it's dark. we are never alone. using His word, others' encouragement, and His leading voice, we are able to discern and to know that we are on the right path. like the israelites, we may not know where that path is leading us at times, but we do have the faithful assurance of God that He has gone before and will never leave us.
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