Monday, May 17, 2010

oh joyous day! hot summer sun! sweat sticky sweat!

just finished spending an hour handwashing my laundry. i was never meant to be born during a century without amenities such as a washer (line drying isn't all that bad). i actually opted to do mine after dinner, when the sun's not so hot, but i' still find my self dripping in sweat (to be assumed for the duration of my stay).

this morning at intercession, i couldn't shake this spiritual and physical fatigue i was under, and it was physically exhausting just to worship and pray. fortunately, through through tribulation, perseverance is produced, leading to character, and character, hope, and hope the love of God which does not disappoint (Romans 5:1-5). let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross. (Hebrews 12:1-2). its not easy to cast it off, but we most press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward cal in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).

we had a great morning with the kids, mainly doing color recognition, sorting, and fine motor skills by making a haitian flag as a class, finger painting individual flags, and working on handwriting by writing St. Marc, Haiti or I live in St. Marc, Haiti (depending on kinder or pre-k). the kids have gotten so good at their phonics, and i'm really encouraged by the ability of Irving, Nohrry, and even Vardy in particular, who came a few weeks after i started, not knowing a word of english, nor any of the english letter pronunciations. those three in particular are able to decode words quite quickly, and Nohrry and Irving are able to read for meaning!

but the glory moment happened this afternoon after my one-on-one, when leah and i hitched a ride to SD and there i saw her: sitting in the cooler in the back, all in her green glory. mountain dew. i had a come-to-jesus moment and squealed in sheer excitement as i quickly grabbed 4 cans (3 for me, 1 to share!). i would have bought more, but cans of soda at more expensive than their twice-the-size glass bottle counterpart, running 35 gourdes, or about $1USD.

after grabbing a bag of yucca chips, some pringles, 2 cans of diet coke (stock up while its available!), pineapple, white/kidney/and pinto beans, and a candy bar my total ran me $18 USD, which is actually rather expensive. i felt like i was back in college, purchasing the most disdainful dinner available.

but i was quite satisfied :) now on to my mani/pedi with the Swiss FCM girls on their last night on outreach.

life is good. hot, but good.

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